Liu Huawen Professor
Educational Background & Work Experience
Visiting Experiences
- Visiting scholar, University of Texas at Dallas, 03, 2016-09, 2016
- Senior research fellow, Chinese Literature Translation Archive, University of Oklahoma, 01-02, 2020
Teaching and Research
Journal Papers:
1. The Dialogue between Tao and Logos in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry. Foreign Languages and Teaching. 2000(8).
2. Translation: Seeking for Another Dwelling of Spirit. Journal of Nanjing University (Version of Social Science and Humanities).2001(4).
3. Exploring the Discursive Space for Translation Studies. Chinese Translators’ Journal. 2002(1).
4. A Tentative Survey of the Cognitive Modes in Bilingual Dictionaries. Journal of Sichuan Foreign Languages College. 2002(1).
5. The Dialogue between I and the Other: The Aesthetic Response in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poems. Journal of Translation Studies. 2002(7).
6. From Source Text to Target Text: A Crosslingual Signification. Foreign Languages Research. 2003(1).
7. Cognitive Mapping and De-mapping in English-Chinese Translation. Journal of PLA Foreign Languages College. 2003(5).
8. The Aesthetic Dialectic Movement in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poems. Journal of Translation Studies. 2004(9).
9. A Cognitive Rhetoric Survey of Poetic Translation. Journal of Foreign Languages. 2005(3).
10. The Cognitive Characteristics of Re-categorization in Chinese-English Translation. Foreign Languages Research. 2005(4).
11. An Investigation into Semantic Level through Noun Valency in English-Chinese Dictionary. Lexicographic Studies. 2006(1).
12. On the Relationship between Speech, Image and Meaning in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry. Chinese Translators’ Journal. 2006(3).
12. The Construction and Deconstruction of Name in Translation. Chinese Translators’ Journal. 2007(6).
13. A Dispute over English Translation of Guanzhuibian管锥编. Chinese Comparative Literature. 2008(3).
14. The Re-matching of Verb and Construction in Chinese-English Translation. China Foreign Languages. 2008(5).
15. Semantic Orientation, Syntactic Position and Pragmatic Function in Chinese-English Translation. Meta.2009 (54).
16. Re-lexicalization of Motion Event in Chinese-English Translation. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 2009(5).
17. De-eventualization through Nominalization in Chinese-English Translation. Foreign Languages and Teaching. 2009(10).
18. The Aesthetic Distance in Poetic Translation. Journal of Anhui University. 2009(3).
19. Investigating, Perceiving and Embodying Objects in Poetic Translation. Foreign Languages Research. 2010(3).
20. Re-conceptualization through Fictionalization in Chinese-English Translation. Studies in Linguistics and Literature. 2010(1).
21. Three Critical Modes in Translation Criticism. Foreign Languages Research. 2011(5).
22. Wai-lim Yip’s Poetic Model and English Translation of Chinese Classical Poems. Translation Forest. 2011(2).
23. Metaphysical Language, Zenist Interest and Buddhist Tenet: Influence of Anxiety in Poetic Translation. Foreign Languages Research. 2014(6).
24. From Transformation to De-formation: Flexibility in Poetic Translation. Translation Forum. 2014(1).
25. The Changes in Religiosity, Philosophicalness and Literariness in Translating the Analects. International Sinology. 2016(2).
26. Constructing Trans-hermeneutics in the Context of Western Sinology. Chinese Translators’ Journal.2016(2).
27. Say or Say About in Roger T. Ames’s Translation. Reading Books. 2017(5).
28. From Cognitive Differences to Interfacial Realization: A Linguistic Approach to Chinese-English Translation. Foreign Languages Research in China. 2018(1).
29. Projecting the Image of Tao Yuanming in the Context of Sinology. 1/2. Contemporary Foreign Languages Research. 2018(2).
30. English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry: A Phenomenological Survey. 2/2. Foreign Languages Research. 2018(3).
31. The Historicalness and Typologicalness of Cross-linguistic Change: New Dimensions in Translation Studies. Foreign Languages Research. 2019(6).
32. James Legge’s Philosophical Neutralization of the Yizhuan: A Self-referential and Cross-referential Approach. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2019, Vol.6(3).
33. The Event Poetics of Literary Translation. Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2020(1).
34. A Book Review for Translation as Citation: Zhuangzi Inside Out by Haun Saussy. 2/2. Translation Studies. 2020(1).
35. The Problematics of Object in the Hermeneutics of Translation. Foreign Languages Research. 2021(6).
36. The Trans-hermeneutic Phenomenon in the Post-geyi Era. Journal of Yanshan University. 2022(2).
37. Renditions of the Neo-Confucian Keyword Li by Modern and Contemporary Translators in English-speaking Countries. 2/2. Chinese Translators’ Journal. 2022(4).
38. Yan Fu as A Transmitter and A Creator. Philosophy East and West. 2022, 72(2).
Collection Chapters:
1. Cognitive Subjectivity in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poems: Between Analyticality and Intentionality. A Collection of Papers for the 4th Asian Translators’ Forum. Foreign Languages Press. 2005.
2. Correlations in Establishing Chinese Traditional Theoretical Discourse for Translation.Chinese Translation Studies: Inheritance and Development. Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press. 2008.
3. The Other-and-I Aesthetic Response and Canonization of Translated Poetry. New Approaches to Translation Studies. Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press. 2008.
4. Terminology Translation in the Subject-object Interaction. Terminology Translation Research. Nanjing University Press. 2011.
5. Real-m-ization (化境)and Eventualization: A Phenomenological Approach to Poetic Translation. Translating China for Western Readers: Critical, Reflective and Practical Essays. SUNY Press. 2015.
6. Phonological, Lexical and Phraseological Aspects of Chinese Translation. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. Routledge. 2017.
7. Interpretation, Exegesis and Translation. The Roads to Learning English: Suggestions from Experts, Scholars and Professors. The Commercial Press. 2021.
8. Historiography via Translation: Chinese New Historical Novel in the West. Chinese Literature in the World: Dissemination and Translation Practices. Springer. 2022.
1. The Aesthetic Subjectivity in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry. Shanghai Yiwen Press. 2005.
2. Chinese-English Translation and Crosslingual Cognition. Nanjing University Press. 2009.
3. A Multi-dimensional Study of Translation. Shanghai Yiwen Press. 2012.
4. Translation Poetics. Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press. 2015.
5. Difference, Cognition and Interface: A Tri-dimensional Study of C-E Translation. Nanjing University Press. 2017.
6. A Study of Textuality in Bilingual Dictionary. Nanjing University Press. 2017.
1. New-Age English-Chinese Dictionary. The Commercial Press. 2004. (A member on editing board)
2. Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary with Bilingual Definitions. Yilin Press. 2008. (editor-in-chief for translation)
3. Yiwen-Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary with Bilingual Definitions. Shanghai Yiwen Press. 2011. (editor-in-chief for translation)
4. The Century Chinese-English Dictionary. Shanghai Yiwen Press. 2021. (Reviewer-in-chief)
Translated Works (From English to Chinese):
1. Heidegger. Yilin Press. 2009.
2. Roadside Crosses. Yilin Press. 2011.
3. Kant. Yilin Press. 2015.
4. Heidegger. Oxford University Press (China). 2016.
5. Kant. Oxford University Press (China). 2016.
6. The Wild Boys. Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore Press. 2017.
7. Kant and Platypus. Shanghai Yiwen Press. 2019.
8. An Analysis of Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2020.
Translated Papers (From Chinese to English):
- The Seminal Principles of Human Roles: Five Elements and Five Constants. Peng Hua.
Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2017, Vol. 4 (3).
- Confucian Rites and Music and Cultural Confidence. Wu Zhen. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2017, Vol. 4 (4).
- Honda Shigeyuki on the Ideas of ‘Shamanism’ in the Chinese Classics. Lin Chaochun.
Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2018, Vol. 5 (1).
- The Analects and the Korean Literati’s Studio Names. Wang Guobiao. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2018, Vol. 5 (2).
- Ancient Chinese Literature Studies: A Forty-year Overview. Chen Wenxin and Pan Zhigang, Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2018, Vol. 5 (3).
6. Theories on Emotion and Sound in Kong Yingda’s Rectified Interpretation of the Five Classics. Liu Shun. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2019, Vol. 6 (1).
7. Early Modern Guangdong Academies and Their Academic Ethos: A Case Study of Zhu Ciqi’s Early Education Experience. Li Chen. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2020, Vol. 7 (1).
8. The Rise of Academies in Southwest China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Historical Sites Associated with Confucian Worthies. Wang Shengjun and Zhou Yan. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2020, Vol. 7 (2).
9. Classics: The Root, Soul and Source of Chinese Culture. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2021, Vol.8 (1).
10. “Intoxication” in the Chinese Intellectual Tradition. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2021, Vol. 8 (2).
11. Su Shi’s Lifetime Merits and Writings in Adversity: On the Cause of Su Shi’s Poetic Resonance with Tao Yuanming and Late-year State of Mind. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2021, Vol. 8 (3).
12. Leopard Change: The Evolution of Junzi Personality Aesthetic from the Han to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2021, Vol. 8 (3).
13. “Sobriety” in the Chinese Intellectual Tradition. Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review. 2022, Vol. 9(1).
Projects and Funds
- “A Study of Cognitive Poetics of Translation: A Parallel-corpus Approach,” supported by Social Science Fund of the China Ministry of Education. 2012.
Professional Service
Deputy Chairman of Nanjing Translators’ Association