

Wu Fuyun  Professor

Department:English Department

Tutor:Doctoral Supervisor

Email:[email protected]

Educational Background & Work Experience


3/2017 to present

Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Associate Professor, Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University


Associate Professor (University-Appointed), Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University


Program Coordinator and Interpreter, Office of International Programs, Fudan University




University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

 Ph.D. in Linguistics


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

M.A. in Linguistics


University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

M.A. in English Language/Linguistics (TESOL) 


Fudan University, Shanghai, China 

B.A. in British and American English Language & Literature 

(Including 1-year military training [compulsory for students enrolled into Peking University and Fudan University during 1989-1992] at Dalian Military Academy, Dalian)



Teaching and Research


Wu, F. (2021). Sentence Processing. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press.


Refereed Journal papers or Book chapters

Wu, F.*, Wang, F. & Li, J.2024. Processing Chinese object-topicalization structures in simple and complex sentences. Linguistics. 1-40. DOI: 10.1515/ling-2022-0118

Zhu, C. & Wu, F.* (2024). To stress or not to stress: What can Mandarin pronouns inform us of the accessibility of Topic and Focus? Phonetica 81(1), 81-117.

Xiang, K. & Wu, F.* (2023). Grammatical encoding of double-object alternations in Zhuang: Evidence for the one-stage model. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(9), 2139-2154. 

Wu, F.*, Lyu, J. & Sheng, Y.* (2021). Effects of L1 transfer are profound, yet native-like processing strategy is attainable: Evidence from  advanced learners' production of complex L2 Chinese structures. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 794500, 1-14. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.794500

Chang, W., Duan, Y., Qian, J., Wu, F.*, Jiang, X. & Zhou, X. (2020). Gender interference in processing Chinese compound reflexive: Evidence from reading eye-tracking. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35(10), 1355-1370. 

Wang, F. & Wu, F.* (2020). Postnominal relative clauses in Chinese. Linguistics 58(6), 1501-1542.

Wu, F.*, Kaiser, E., & Vasishth, S. (2018). Effects of early cues on the processing of Chinese relative clauses: Evidence for experience-based theories. Cognitive Science 42(3), 1101-1133.

Yang, Y., Wu, F.*& Zhou, X.*(2015). Semantic processing persists despite anomalous syntactic category: ERP evidence from Chinese passive sentences. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0131936, 1-15. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0131936

Wu, F.*, Luo, Y. & Zhou, X.*(2014). Building Chinese relative clause structures with lexical and syntactic cues: Evidence from visual-world eyetracking and reading times. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 29(10), 1205-1226. 

Wu, F.*, Kaiser, E. & Andersen, E. (2012). Animacy effects in Chinese relative clause processing. Language and Cognitive Processes 27(10), 1489-1524.

Wu, F. (2011). Frequency issues of classifier configurations for processing Mandarin object-extracted relative clauses: A corpus study. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 7(2), 203-227.

Wu, F., Kaiser, E. & Andersen, E. (2011). Subject preference, head animacy, and lexical cues: A corpus study of relative clauses in Chinese. In Yamashita, H., Hirose, Y. & Packard J. (Eds). Processing and Producing Head-final Structures, 173-194. The Netherlands: Springer.

Wu, F. (2010). The influence of Chinese focused cleft Wh-constructions on Chinese speakers’ L2 knowledge of English wh-movement: Evidence from two experimental studies. In Roberts, L, Howard, M., O Laoire, M. & Singleton, D. (Eds.) EUROSLA Yearbook 10, 142-168. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 


Refereed Chinese Journal papers

Wu, F.* & Wang, F. (2024).  Processing Chinese topic structure in contexts: A comparison between the topic structures in the main clause and in the relative clause. Dangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics) 26(1), 40-53.

Wu, F. & Peng, S. (2023). On Chinese subject-relative processing advantage. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 55(3), 335-346.

Xiang, K. & Wu, F. (2020). Production of double-object alternations in Zhuang. Dangdai Waiyu Yanjiu (Contemporary Foreign Language Studies) 450(6), 59-67.

Li, J. & Wu, F. (2020). Subject or topic: Evidence from processing SVO and TSV sentences. Xiandai Waiyu (Contemporary Foreign Languages) 43(4), 477-488.

Wang, F. & Wu, F. (2020). Psycholinguistic studies on Chinese topic structures: A critical review. Waiyu Xuekan (Foreign Language Research) 217(6), 9-16.

Wu, F. (2020) Semantic interference effects in reflexive-antecedent dependency processing in English and Chinese. Xiandai Waiyu (Contemporary Foreign Languages) 43(3), 318-329.

Sheng, Y. & Wu, F. (2018). Animacy modulates demonstrative-classifier positioning in Chinese relative clauses. Waiyu Xuekan (Foreign Language Journal) (1), 58-63.

Lyu, J. & Wu, F. (2017). Learnability of asymmetric patterns of determiner phrase in Chinese relative clauses: Evidence from a L2 corpus and production studies. Jiefangjun Waiguoyu Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages) (4), 62-70.

Wang, F., & Wu, F. (2016).  Non-canonical postnominal relative clauses in Chinese: A study on spoken corpus. Yuyan Kexue (Linguistic Sciences) 15(6), 526-539.

Wu, F. & Lyu, J. (2016). Ordering of Chinese relative clauses and determiner phrase: A second language perspective. Hanyu Xuexi (Chinese Learning) 4, 89-94.

Qian, J. & Wu, F. (2016). Immediate effects of Binding Principle A on complex reflexive processing in Chinese. Xiandai Waiyu (Contemporary Foreign Languages) 39(4), 495-506.

Wu, F. & Sheng, Y. (2016). On the necessity of determiner phrases in contexts: Subject relative preference revisited. Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 39(2), 11-20.

Wu, F. & Li, L. (2015). Processing scope relations in Chinese: An online study on universal quantifiers and negation. Dangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics) 17(4), 400-413.

Wu, F. & Sheng, Y. (2014). Pre-RC determiner phrase bias and production preference for object relatives: Perspectives from second language learners. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 46(3), 401-411.

Wu, F. & Sheng, Y. (2014). Demonstrative-classifier positioning in Chinese relative clauses and its implication to language production models. Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 37(3), 49-58.

Wu, F. (2013). Will more heads increase processing difficulties? Evidence from Chinese.Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 36(3), 60-67.

Sheng, Y. & Wu, F. (2013). Asymmetric distribution of demonstrative-classifier structures in Chinese relative clauses and its reasons: A spoken corpus study. Xiandai Waiyu (Modern Foreign Languages) 33(2), 150-157

Li, J. & Wu, F. (2013). Typological generalizations and Chinese relative clauses produced by second language learners. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 45(1), 80-92.

Wu, F. (2012). Issues on Resources-based Dependency Locality Theory – Challenges from Mandarin Relative Clause. Dangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics)14(4), 365-379.

Wu, F. (2012).Book Review: Processing and Producing Head-final StructuresWaiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 44(1),137-141.

Wu, F. (2011). Experience-based or working-memory-based? Evidence from animacy configurations in relative clauses in Chinese news corpus. Yuyan Kexue (Linguistic Sciences) 10(4), 396-408.

Wu, F. (2011). Classifier-Noun mismatch configuration in corpus: Its rarity of occurrence and underlying reasons. Xiandai Waiyu (Modern Foreign Languages) 34, 135-142.

Wu, F. (2011). Hawkins’s Minimize Domain Theory applied to Chinese relative clauses processing: Its significance and potential problems. Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 34, 19-27.


Grant Support 


National Social Science Foundation of China, Syntactic and semantic processing of Chinese sentences with long-distance dependencies using memory-based approaches (20BYY160)

Role: Principal Investigator


Shanghai Social Sciences and Philosophy Foundation, Processing canonical and non-canonical sentences in Chinese: Perspectives from referential dependencies (2019BYY005)

Role: Principal Investigator


National Social Science Foundation of China, Effects of disambiguation and structural expectancy from determiner phrases in relative clause processing (13BYY152)

Role: Principal Investigator


New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education (NCET-12-0907) 

Role: Principal Investigator


Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, Processing Chinese relative clauses and its underlying neurobiological mechanisms

Role: Principal Investigator


Shanghai Social Sciences and Philosophy Foundation, Chinese sentence processing: Its psychological processes and neurological substrates (2010BYY003)

Role: Principal Investigator


Shanghai Pujiang Talent Foundation, Processing filler-gap dependency: A cross-linguistic Study (10PJC066)

Role: Principal Investigator


Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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