
Ding Hongwei Tenured Professor
Teaching and Research
Prof. Ding has taught many courses in phonetics and prosody, experimental phonetics, speech science, clinical linguistics, speech technology, and statistics for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
2. Research
Her main research interests are cross-linguistic studies, phonetics, prosody, and speech synthesis. She has gained extensive practical experiences in interdisciplinary fields, such as phonetics, prosody, speech technology, and clinical linguistics. In recent years, she has concentrated on psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural correlates of prosody, including speech prosody research for mental disorders (especially patients with autism, depression and Alzheimer's disease), and the pathology of prosody and aids for the hearing impaired (such as children wearing cochlear implants).
3. Professional Service
Prof. Ding is officer and a member of the PAC (Permanent Advisory Committee) of SProSIG (Special Interest Group on Speech Prosody), and she has served on the scientific committees of many international conferences and book series, especially as
Editor for Springer book series
- Prosody, Phonology and Phonetics. Springer
- Corpora and Intercultural Studies. Springer
Organizer of Conferences
- Interspeech 2024, Kos Island, Greece (Area Chair)
- Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, The Netherlands (Advisory Committee)
- Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal (Advisory Committee)
- 21th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2019, Suzhou (Workshop Chair)
- O-COCOSDA/CASLRE 2015, Shanghai (Program Chair)
- Speech Prosody 2012, Shanghai (Program Chair)
4. Projects
Prof. Ding has achieved nearly 20 projects as principal investigator since 2011 after she came back to China.
Selected Research Grants as Principal Investigator:
- Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China (Construction of linguistic resources for mental disorders -- interdisciplinary research in linguistics, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence) (in progress)
- Shanghai Social Science Project (Acquisition of English as a second language at the prosody-syntax interface) (accomplished)
- Program of National Social Science Foundation of China (Research of cross-linguistic prosody and analysis of foreign accent ) (accomplished)
- Shanghai Social Science Project (Construction and research of L2 German speech database by Chinese students) (accomplished)
- Shanghai Pujiang Program (Segmental and Suprasegmental Deviation in the speech of Chinese speakers of German and of German speakers of Chinese) (accomplished)
- Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (A cross-linguistic phonetic study and its application in foreign language acquisition) (accomplished)
Selected Research Grants as Co-Principal Investigator
- GRF (Mandarin Alphabetic Words: A study on the role of orthography in morphological and phonological adaptation) (accomplished)
5. Publications
- Ding, Hongwei: A Syllable-based Chinese Synthesis System. w.e.b. Universitätsverlag, 2001.
- Ding, Hongwei: An Acoustic-phonetic Analysis of Chinese in Comparison with German in Text-to-Speech Systems and Foreign Language Speech Learning. TUDpress Verlag, 2013.
- 丁红卫: 中国大学生德语语音语调习得研究. 上海交通大学出版社, 2023.
Edited Proceedings
- Ma, Q., H. Ding, and D. Hirst: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Tongji University Press, 2012
Speech Databases
- Ding, H., S. Liao, Y. Zhan, J. Yuan and M. Liberman: Global TIMIT Mandarin Chinese LDC2021S03. Linguistic Data Consortium, 2021. DOI: 10.35111/bvxn-eh36
- Ding, H., S. Liao, Y. Zhan, H. Feng, W. He, X. Hu, Y. Wu, J. Yuan and M. Liberman: Global TIMIT Learner Simple English LDC2020S11. Linguistic Data Consortium, 2020. DOI: 10.35111/zf5w-xq73
Articles and papers
- Chen, Y., Wang*, T., & Ding*, H. (2024). Effect of age and gender on categorical perception of vocal emotion under tonal language background. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Fan, X., Tang, E., Zhang, M., Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Decline of affective prosody recognition with a positivity bias among older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 67(10), 3862-3879. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Lin, Y., Ye, X., Zhang, H., Xu, F., Zhang, J., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Category-Sensitive Age-Related Shifts Between Prosodic and Semantic Dominance in Emotion Perception Linked to Cognitive Capacities. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Lin, Y., Xu, F., Ye, X., Zhang, H., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Age and sex differences in emotion perception are influenced by emotional category and communication channel. Psychology and Aging. (SSCI indexed,心理学一区)
- Sun, Y., Ding*, H. (2024). Unpacking the gender-role interaction of prosodic entrainment in Chinese long-and-short turn-taking: evidence from perceptual and acoustic similarities. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 11, 1618. (SSCI indexed,社会科学一区)
- Tang, E., Gong, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., Fang, R., Guan*, J., & Ding*, H. (2024). Chinese emotional speech audiometry project (CESAP): Establishment and validation of a new material set with emotionally neutral disyllabic words. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 67(6), 1945-1963. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Xu, S., Zhang, H., Fan, J., Jiang, X., Zhang, M., Guan, J., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Auditory challenges and listening effort in school-age children with Autism: Insights from pupillary dynamics during speech-in-noise perception. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, M., Tang, E., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang#, Y., Ding#, H., Gao, H., Liu, J., Wang*, F., & Wu*, Y. ((2024). Factors influencing speech improvement following maxillary complete-arch implant-supported restorations: A retrospective study. Clinical Oral Implants Research. DOI: 10.1111/clr.14311 (SCI indexed,影响因子4.8,口腔科一区)
- Zhang, H., Xu, L., Ma, W., Han, J., Wang, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). High variability phonetic training facilitates perception-to-production transfer in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants: An acoustic investigation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 156(4), 2299-2314. (SCI indexed)
- Zhang, H., Dai, X., Ma, W., Ding, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Investigating perception to production transfer in children with cochlear implants: A high variability phonetic training study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 67(4), 1206-1228. DOI: 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00573 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Wang, X., & Ding*, H. (2024). Acoustic-prosodic analysis for Mandarin disyllabic words conveying vocal emotions. In Speech Prosody 2024. 956-960, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody. (EI indexed)
- Wang, X., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2024). Mapping acoustic characteristics of emotional prosody in Mandarin disyllabic words: A machine-learning approach. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 155. (SCI indexed)
- Wang, X., Fang, R., & Ding*, H. (2024). Gender Differences in Acoustic-Perceptual Mapping of Emotional Prosody in Mandarin Speech. Corpus-based Studies across Humanities. DOI: 10.1515/csh-2024-0025.
- 丁红卫. 人工智能透过言语语言识别精神障碍[J]. 上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2023,52(04). (CSSCI indexed)
- Ding*, H., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Speech prosody in mental disorders. Annual Review of Linguistics. 9. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-030421-065139 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Tang, E., & Ding*, H. (2024). Emotion effects in second language processing: Evidence from eye movements in natural sentence reading. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 27(3), 460-479. (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Xu, S., Fan, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, M., Zhao, H., Jiang, X., Ding*, H. & Zhang*, Y. (2023). Hearing assistive technology facilitates sentence-in-noise recognition in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(8), 2967-2987. DOI: 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-22-00589 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, H., Ma, W., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2023). Sustainable benefits of high variability phonetic training in Mandarin-speaking kindergarteners with cochlear implants: Evidence from categorical perception of lexical tones. Ear & Hearing. DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001341 (SCI indexed,听力言语语言病理学一区)
- Lin, Y., Li, C., Hu, R., Zhou, L., Ding*, H., Fan*, Q., & Zhang*, Y. (2023). Impaired emotion perception in schizophrenia shows sex differences with channel- and category-specific effects: A pilot study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 161, 150-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.03.011 (SSCI indexed,影响因子5.250,精神医学二区)
- Lin, Y., Li, C., Wang, X., Song, Y., Ding*, H., Fan*, Q., & Zhang*, Y. (2023). Channel- and category-specific emotion recognition deficits and their associations with symptomatology and cognition in individuals with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 254, 37-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.02.010 (SSCI indexed,影响因子4.662,精神医学二区)
- Gu, L., & Ding*, H. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of media coverage of mental disorders between 2002 and 2022. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-023-02473-5 (SSCI indexed, 影响因子4.4,精神医学二区)
- Tang, E., Fan, X., Fang, R., Zhang, Y., Gong, J., Guan, J., & Ding*, H. (2024). Not perceptually equivalent in semantic emotion across visual and auditory modalities: cross-modal affective norms of two-character Chinese emotion-label words. Current Psychology. 43(17), 15308-15327 (SSCI indexed,心理学二区)
- Zhang, M., Zhang, H., Tang, E., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2023). Evaluating the relative perceptual salience of linguistic and emotional prosody in quiet and noisy contexts. Behavioral Sciences. 13(10), 800. DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.02.010 (SSCI indexed,心理学二区)
- Sun, Y., Ding*, H. (2023). Speech entrainment in Chinese story-style talk shows: The interaction between gender and role. In Interspeech 2023, 3537-3541, DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1154. (EI indexed)
- Ge, L., Xu, M., Ding*, H. (2023). Rhythmic characteristics of L2 German speech by advanced Chinese learners. In Interspeech 2023, 4763-4767, DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech. 2023-1480. (EI indexed)
- Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Yu, D., Ding*, H., & Wu*, Y. (2023). Articulation distortion in Mandarin-speaking individuals with complete arch maxillary implant-supported fixed dental prostheses. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. (SCI indexed,影响因子4.3,口腔科一区)
- Xu, M., Shao*, J., Liu, B., Wang, L., Ding, H., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Aging-related decline in phonated and whispered speech perception not compensated for by increased duration and intensity: Evidence from Mandarin-speaking adult listeners. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1-15. DOI: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00158 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Tang, E., Zhang, M., Chen, Y., Lin, Y., & Ding*, H. (2022). Recognition of affective prosody in bipolar and depressive conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.06.065 (SSCI indexed, 影响因子6.533,精神医学一区)
- Zhang, M., S. Xu, Y. Chen, Y. Lin, H. Ding* and Y. Zhang*. Recognition of Affective Prosody in Autism Spectrum Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Autism 2022. DOI: 10.1177/1362361321995725 (SSCI indexed,影响因子6.684,心理学一区)
- Zhang, M., Chen, Y., Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Multichannel Perception of Emotion in Speech, Voice, Facial Expression, and Gesture in Individuals With Autism: A Scoping Review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(4), 1435-1449. DOI: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-21-00438 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Chen, Y., Tang, E., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2022). Auditory Pitch Perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. DOI: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00254 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, H., Ma, W., Ding*, H., Peng, G., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Phonological Awareness and Working Memory in Mandarin-Speaking Preschool-Aged Children With Cochlear Implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, DOI: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00059 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, H., Ding*, H., & Lee, W. S. (2022). The influence of preceding speech and nonspeech contexts on Mandarin tone identification. Journal of Phonetics, 93, 101154. DOI: 10.1016/j.wocn.2022.101154 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, M., Ding*, H., Naumceska, M., & Zhang,* Y. (2022). Virtual Reality Technology as an Educational and Intervention Tool for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Current Perspectives and Future Directions. Behavioral Sciences. DOI: 10.3390/bs12050138 (SSCI indexed,心理学一区)
- Cui, X., Jiang, X., & Ding*, H. (2022). Affective prosody guides facial emotion processing. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-03528-7 (SSCI indexed,心理学二区)
- Lin, Y., Fan, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, H., Chen, F., Zhang, H., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2022). Neurocognitive dynamics of prosodic salience over semantics during explicit and implicit processing of basic emotions in spoken words. Brain Sciences. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci12121706 (SCI indexed, 神经科学, IF=3.333)
- Ding, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Multimodal training using pitch gesture improves Mandarin tone recognition for children with cochlear implant. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4):A274-A275. DOI: 10.1121/10.0011316 (SCI indexed)
- Zhang, M., & Ding*, H. (2022). Impact of Background Noise and Contribution of Visual Information in Emotion Identification by Native Mandarin Speakers. In Interspeech 2022, 1993-1997, DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10142. (EI indexed)
- Lin, Y., Li, C., Fan, Q., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., & Ding*, H. (2022). Effects of sensory dominance and gender differences on impaired emotion perception in schizophrenic patients. In Speech Prosody 2022. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-24 (EI indexed)
- Chen, Y., Wang, T., & Ding*, H. (2022). Effect of Age and Gender on Categorical Vocal Emotion Recognition in Mandarin Chinese. In Speech Prosody 2022. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-118 (EI indexed)
- Zhang, Y., & Ding*, H. (2022). Asymmetry in L1 and L2 listeners' use of prosody for PP-attachment disambiguation. In Speech Prosody 2022. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-134 (EI indexed)
- Xu, M., Shao*, J., Ding, H., & Wang, L. (2022). The effect of aging on identification of Mandarin consonants in normal and whisper registers. Frontiers in Psychology, 4888. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.962242. (SSCI indexed, 心理学一区)
- Xu, M., Shao, J., Ding, H., & Wang, L. (2022). Acoustic-perceptual correlates of whispered Mandarin consonants. In ISCSLP 2022. (EI indexed)
- Kuang, J., Chan, M. P. Y., Rhee, N., Liberman, M., & Ding, H. (2022). The mapping between syntactic and prosodic phrasing in English and Mandarin. In Interspeech 2022, 3443-3447. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10726. (EI indexed)
- 汤恩泽, 龚婕, 管晶晶, 丁红卫*. 中性语音韵律影响语义情绪感知:来自大规模情感评价实验的证据(英文)[J]. 中国语音学报,2022(2). (核心)
- 丁红卫. 语言是洞察心理健康的窗口[J]. 语言战略研究,2021(6): 79. (CSSCI-Extended-Edition indexed)
- 丁红卫. 智能型计算机辅助外语语音教学的现状与趋势[J]. 中国外语,2021(101): 58-64. (CSSCI indexed)
- Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2021). Unisensory and Multisensory Stroop Effects Modulate Gender Differences in Verbal and Nonverbal Emotion Perception. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2021, 64(11), 4439-4457. DOI: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00338(SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2021). Gender Differences in Identifying Facial, Prosodic, and Semantic Emotions Show Category-and Channel-Specific Effects Mediated by Encoder's Gender. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2021, 64(8), 2941-2955. DOI: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00553 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, H., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2021). High-Variability Phonetic Training Benefits Lexical Tone Perception: An Investigation on Mandarin-Speaking Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2021, 64(6), 2070-2084. DOI: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00631 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Gao, Y., Ding*, H., Birkholz, P., & Lin, Y. (2021). Comparing fundamental frequency of German vowels produced by German native speakers and Mandarin Chinese learners. JASA Express Letters, 1(7), 075203. DOI: 10.1121/10.0005593 (SCI indexed)
- Ding*, H., Lin, B., & Wang, L. (2021). F0 Patterns of L2 English Speech by Mandarin Chinese Learners. In Interspeech 2021 (pp. 3934-3938). (EI indexed)
- Yang, L., & Ding*, H. (2021). Comparing the Rhythm of Instrumental Music and Vocal Music in Mandarin and English. In ISCSLP 2021 (pp. 1-5). IEEE. (EI indexed)
- Chen, F., Zhang, H., Ding, H., Wang, S., Peng, G., & Zhang*, Y. (2021). Neural Coding of Formant-Exaggerated Speech and Nonspeech in Children with and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Research, 14(7), 1357-1374. DOI: 10.1002/aur.2509 (SSCI indexed,影响因子5.216,心理学一区)
- Wang, Y., Yang, X., Ding, H., Xu, C., & Liu*, C. (2021). Aging Effects on Categorical Perception of Mandarin Lexical Tones in Noise. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(4), 1376-1389. DOI: 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00509 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Prosody Dominates Over Semantics in Emotion Word Processing: Evidence From Cross-Channel and Cross-Modal Stroop Effects. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(3), 896-912. DOI: 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-19-00258 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Peng, G., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2020). Bimodal Benefits Revealed by Categorical Perception of Lexical Tones in Mandarin-Speaking Kindergarteners With a Cochlear Implant and a Contralateral Hearing Aid. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(12), 4238-4251. DOI: 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00224 (SSCI indexed,语言学一区)
- Gao, Y., Ding*, H., & Birkholz, P. (2020). An Acoustic Comparison of German Tense and Lax Vowels Produced by German Native Speakers and Mandarin Chinese Learners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(1), EL112 (2020). DOI: 10.1121/10.0001628 (SCI indexed,言语语言听力二区)
- Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2020). Multisensory Integration of Emotion in Schizophrenic Patients. Multisensory Research, 33(8), 865-901. DOI: 10.1163/22134808-bja10016 (SSCI indexed)
- Zhang, M., Geng, L., Yang*, Y., & Ding*, H. (2021). Cohesion in the Discourse of People with Post-stroke Aphasia. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 35(1), 2-18. DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2020.1734864 (SSCI indexed,语言学二区)
- Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2020). Bimodal Benefits for Lexical Tone Recognition: An Investigation on Mandarin-speaking Preschoolers with a Cochlear Implant and a Contralateral Hearing Aid. Brain Sciences, 10(4), 238. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci10040238 (SCI indexed,影响因子3.332)
- Zhang, Y., & Ding, H. (2020). The Effect of Ambiguity Awareness on Second Language Learners' Prosodic Disambiguation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:573520. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.573520 (SSCI indexed,心理学二区)
- Ding*, H., Lin, B., Wang, L., Wang, H., & Fang, R. (2020). A Comparison of English Rhythm Produced by Native American Speakers and Mandarin ESL Primary School Learners. In Interspeech 2020 (pp. 4481-4485). (EI indexed)
- Ding*, H., & Li, Y. (2020). Tonal Adaptation of Disyllabic Letter-Character Pattern in Mandarin Alphabetical Words. In Speech Prosody 2020 (pp. 494-498). DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-101 (EI indexed)
- Lin, Y., & Ding*, H. (2020). Effects of communication channels and actor's gender on emotion identification by native Mandarin speakers. In Interspeech 2020 (pp. 3151-3155). (EI indexed)
- Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Ding*, H., & Li, Y. (2020). Efficacy of Multi-Talker Phonetic Training in Mandarin Tone Perception for Native Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users. In Speech Prosody 2020 (Vol. 2020, pp. 819-823). DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-167 (EI indexed)
- 李永勤, 陶仁霞, 赵伟时, 卫仁涛, 张昊*, & 丁红卫. (2020). “多人言语声”语音训练对人工耳蜗植入儿童声调感知能力干预效果研究. 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 28 (3), 316-320. (核心期刊)
- Lin, Y., & Ding*, H. (2019). Multisensory Integration of Emotions in a Face-prosody-semantics Stroop Task. In NeuroManagement and Intelligent Computing Method on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 1-5). (EI indexed)
- Li, Y., Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Li, C. (2019). Speech Databases for Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review. General Psychiatry, 32(3). (ESCI indexed)
- Gao, Y., Ding*, H., Birkholz, P., Jäckel, R., & Lin, Y. (2019). Perception of German Tense and Lax Vowel Contrast by Chinese Learners. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 93, 25-32.
- Ding*, H., Zhan, Y., Liao, S., & Yuan, J. (2019). Preceding Vowel Duration and Syllable-final Stop Voicing: An Examination of L2 English Production and Perception by Chinese Learners of English. In ICPhS 2019 (pp. 3646-3650).
- Zhang, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang, H. (2019). Do Cognitive Constraints Drive Second-language Listeners' Attention to Prosodic Information in Speech?. In ICPhS 2019 (pp. 2238-2242).
- Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Ding, H., & Peng, G. (2019). Bimodal Benefit in Categorical Perception of Lexical Tones for Mandarin-speaking Children with Cochlear Implants. In ICPhS 2019 (p. 278).
- 张静, 张昊, 丁红卫. (2019). 韵律信息在识别交际意图中的作用. 《实验语言学》 第8 卷第1号. p.8-14.
- Lin, Y., Ding*, H., & Zhang*, Y. (2018). Emotional Prosody Processing in Schizophrenic Patients: A Selective Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(10), 363. DOI: 10.3390/jcm7100363 (SCI indexed,影响因子5.688,医学一区)
- 徐灿, 杨小虎, 汪玉霞, 张辉, 丁红卫*, 刘畅*. (2018). 语音型噪音对二语者汉语元音声调感知的影响. 《心理与行为研究》 16(1), 22. (CSSCI indexed)
- Ding*, H., Zhan, Y., Liao, S., & Yuan, J. (2018). Production of English Stops by Mandarin Chinese Learners. In Speech Prosody 2018 (pp. 13-16). DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-179. (EI indexed)
- Zhang, Y., Ding*, H., Zelchenko, P., Cui, X., Lin, Y., Zhan, Y., & Zhang, H. (2018) Prosodic disambiguation by Chinese EFL learners in a cooperative game task. In Speech Prosody 2018 (pp. 979-983). DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-198. (EI indexed)
- Ding*, H., Hoffmann, R., & Jokisch, O. (2018). Voice Preference in German: A Cross-linguistic Comparison of Native and Chinese Listeners. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 90, p.105-112.
- Jokisch, O., Iaroshenko, V., Maruschke, M., & Ding, H. (2018). Influence of Age, Gender and Sample Duration on the Charisma Assessment of German Speakers. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. 90, p.224-231.
- Chanchaochai, N., Cieri, C., Debrah, J., Ding, H., Jiang, Y., Liao, S., Liberman, M., Wright, J., Yuan, J., Zhan, J. & Zhan, Y. (2018). GlobalTIMIT: Acoustic-Phonetic Datasets for the World's Languages. In Interspeech 2018 (pp. 192-196). (EI indexed)
- Ding, H., Y. Zhang, H. Liu and C.-R. Huang: A Preliminary Phonetic Investigation of Alphabetic Words in Mandarin Chinese. In: Interspeech 2017, p.3028-3032.
- Ding, H., R. Hoffmann and O. Jokisch: Prosodic Correlates of Voice Preference in Mandarin Chinese and German: A Cross-linguistic Comparison. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2017. Vol. 86, p.83-90.
- Zhang, Y. and H. Ding: A Preliminary Study of Prosodic Disambiguation by Chinese EFL Learners. In: Interspeech 2017, p.374-378.
- Zhang, H. and H. Ding: Identification of English Edge Tones by Americans and Chinese Learners of English. In: Proceedings of INTER-NOISE 2017.
- Xu, C., C. Liu and H. Ding: Mandarin Speech Recognition in Babble for Chinese- and Korean-Native Listeners. In: Proceedings of INTER-NOISE 2017.
- Yuan, J., H. Ding, S. Liao, Y. Zhan and M. Liberman: Chinese TIMIT: A TIMIT-Like Corpus of Standard Chinese. In: O-COCOSDA 2017.
- Ding, H. and X. Xu: L2 English Rhythm in Read Speech by Chinese Students. In: Interspeech 2016, p.2696-2700.
- Ding, H., R. Hoffmann and D. Hirst: A Prosodic Transfer: A Comparison Study of F0 Patterns in L2 English by Chinese Speakers. In: Speech Prosody 2016, p.756-760.
- Ding, H., R. Jäckel and R. Hoffmann: A Preliminary Study on the Inter-lexical Pauses in L2 English Read by Chinese Students. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2016. Vol. 81, p.191-197.
- Zhang, Y. and H. Ding: Acoustic features of prosodic boundary by Chinese learners of English as a second language. In: JASA 2016, Vol.140, p.3116.
- Xu, C., H. Zhang, Y. Wang and H. Ding: Informational masking of six-talker babble on Mandarin Chinese vowel and tone identification: Comparison between native Chinese and Korean listeners. In: JASA 2016, Vol.140, p.3337.
- Zhang, H., L. Xu, C. Xu, X. Yang and H. Ding: Vowel and tone identification of Mandarin Chinese: Comparison between native Chinese and Korean listeners. In: JASA 2016, Vol.140, p.3337.
- Ding, H., D. Hirst and R. Hoffmann: Cross-linguistic Prosodic Comparison with OMProDat Database. In: O-COCOSDA/CASLRE 2015, p.212-215.
- Ding, H., R. Hoffmann and D. Hirst: An Investigation of English Prosody Produced by Chinese Speakers. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2015. Vol. 78, p.158-164.
- Hirst, D. and H. Ding: Using Melody Metrics to Compare English Speech Read by Native Speakers and by L2 Chinese Speakers from Shanghai. In: Interspeech 2015, p.1942-1946.
- Ding, H. and R. Hoffmann: An Investigation of Prosodic Features in the German Speech of Chinese Learners. In: Prosody and Language in Contact: L2 Acquisition, Attrition and Languages in Multilingual Situations. Ed. by Delais-Roussarie, E., et al. Springer, 2015, p.221-242.
- Ding, H. and R. Hoffmann: A Durational Study of German Speech Rhythm by Chinese Learners. In: Speech Prosody 2014, p.295-299.
- Wang, T., H. Ding, J. Kuang and Q. Ma: Mapping Emotions into Acoustic Space: the Role of Voice Quality. In: Interspeech 2014.
- Wang, T., H. Ding, Q. Ma and D. Hirst: Automatic Analysis of Emotional Prosody in Mandarin Chinese: Applying the Momel Algorithm. In: Speech Prosody 2014, p.120-124.
- Bissiri, M. P., M. Zellers and H. Ding: Perception of Glottalization in Varying Pitch Contexts in Mandarin Chinese. In: Speech Prosody 2014, p.633-637.
- Ding, H. and R. Hoffmann: An Investigation of Vowel Epenthesis in Chinese Learners' Production of German Consonants. In: Interspeech 2013, p.1007-1011.
- Ding, H., R. Jäckel and R. Hoffmann: A Preliminary Investigation of German Rhythm by Chinese Learners. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2013. Vol. 65, p.79-85.
- Ding, H. and R. Jäckel: A Preliminary Longitudinal Investigation of German Speech Rhythm by Chinese Learners. In: Phonetics, Phonology, Languages in Contact (PPLC) 2013, p.76-79.
- Ding, H.: Chinese Synthesis in a Multilingual TTS System and a German CAPT System for Chinese Learners. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2013. Vol. 68, p.133-138
- Mixdorff, H., A. Hönemann, and H. Ding: Perception of Phrase Boundaries and Prominent Syllables in German. In: Nordic Prosody 2012. Peter Lang. 2013, p.245-254.
- Hirst, D., B. Bigi, H. Cho, H. Ding, S. Herment, and T. Wang: Building OMProDat: an open multilingual prosodic database. In: Tools and Resources for the Analysis of Speech Prosody (TRASP) 2013, p.11-14.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch and R. Hoffmann: An Audiovisual Feedback System for Pronunciation Tutoring - Mandarin Chinese Learners of German. In: Cognitive Behavioural Systems, 2012. Springer, p.191-197.
- Ding, H. and D. Hirst: A Preliminary Investigation of the Third Tone Sandhi in Standard Chinese with a Prosodic Corpus. In: ISCSLP 2012. IEEE, p.436-439.
- Ding, H., R. Hoffmann, H. Hussein and O. Jokisch: An Acoustic Investigation of Chinese Tone 4 Produced by German Learners. In: IALP 2012. IEEE, p.5-8.
- Ding, H.: Perception and Production of Mandarin Disyllabic Tones by German Learners. In: Speech Prosody 2012. p.378-381.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch and R. Hoffmann: A Phonetic Investigation of Intonational Foreign Accent in Mandarin Chinese Learners of German. In: Speech Prosody 2012, p.374-377.
- Ding, H. and O. Jokisch: A Preliminary Investigation of Tense-Lax Contrast of German Vowels by Chinese Learners. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2012. Vol. 64, p.153-158.
- Wang, T., H. Ding and W. Gu: Perceptual Study for Emotional Speech of Mandarin Chinese. In: Speech Prosody 2012, p.653-656.
- Do, H. S., H. Hussein, H. Mixdorff, O. Jokisch, H. Ding, Q. Gao, S. Wei, and G. Hu: Evaluation of Benefits from a Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training System for German Learners of Mandarin Chinese. In: Speech Prosody 2012, p.362-365.
- Wang, T. and H. Ding: Production and Perception of Nasal Coda Mergence in Hohhot Dialect: From a Prosodic Point of View. In: International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages 2012.
- Ding, H., R. Hoffmann, and O. Jokisch: An Investigation of Tone Perception and Production in German Learners of Mandarin. In: Journal Archives of Acoustics, 2011. 36(3), p.509-518.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch and R. Hoffmann: An Acoustic and Perceptive Analysis of Postvocalic /l/ in Mandarin Chinese Learners of German. In: Intern. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2011, p.580-583.
- Jokisch, O., H. Ding, and R. Hoffmann: Acoustic Analysis of Postvocalic /l/ in Chinese Learners of German in the Context of an Overall Perception Experiment. In: Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), 2011.
- Hussein, H., H. S. Do, H. Mixdorff, H. Ding, Q. Gao, G. Hu, S. Wei, and Z. Chao: Mandarin Tone Perception and Production by German Learners. In: Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), 2011.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and R. Hoffmann: Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones by German Speakers. In: Speech Prosody 2010.
- Ding, H., H. Mixdorff, and O. Jokisch: Pronunciation of German syllable codas of Mandarin Chinese speakers. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2010. Vol.58, p.281-287.
- Hilbert, A., H. Mixdorff, H. Ding, H. Pfitzinger, and O. Jokisch: Prosodic analysis of German produced by Russian and Chinese learners. In: Speech Prosody 2010.
- Hussein, H., H. Mixdorff, H. S. Do, S. Wei, S. Gong, H. Ding, Q. Gao, and G. Hu: Towards a Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training System for German Learners of Mandarin – Prosodic Analysis. In: Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology (SLaTE), 2010.
- Hussein, H., H. Mixdorff, H. S. Do, S. Wei, Q. Gao, S. Gong, H. Ding and G. Hu: Development of a Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training System for Teaching Mandarin for German Learners – Pronunciation Errors. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2010. Vol. 58, p.288-297.
- Ding, H. and O. Jokisch: An Investigation of the Pronunciation of English Words in German SMS Texts. In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, 2009. Vol. 53, p.396-402.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and R. Hoffmann: Perception and Analysis of Chinese-accented German Vowels. In: Journal Archives of Acoustics 32(1), 2007, p.89-100.
- Jokisch, O., S. Wittenberg, M. Cuevas, H. Hussein, G. Strecha, H. Ding, and R. Hoffmann: Towards an automatic process chain for the speech corpora annotation. In: SPECOM 2007, p.869-876.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and R. Hoffmann: F0 Analysis of Chinese Accented German Speech. In: ISCSLP 2006, p.49-56.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and R. Hoffmann: The Effect of Glottalization on Voice Preference. In: Speech Prosody 2006, p.851-854.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and R. Hoffmann: Glottalization in Inventory Construction: A Cross-Language Study. In: ISCSLP, 2004, p.37-40.
- Ding, H. and O. Jokisch: Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion in Mandarin Chinese Text-to-Speech. In: DAGA, 2004, p.1151-1152.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and R. Hoffmann: An Advanced American Diphone Inventory from the Phonetic-Acoustic Viewpoint. In: Advances in Speech Technology 2004, p.165-172.
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch and R. Hoffmann: Perception and Analysis of Chinese-accented German Vowels. In: Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Recognition, Poland, 2004.
- Jokisch, O., G. Strecha, and H. Ding: Multilingual speaker selection for creating a speech synthesis database. In: Advances in Speech Technology (AST), 2004, p.71-73.
- Ding, H. and O. Jokisch: Development of a Word Identification Sytem for Mandarin Chinese Synthesis. In: Proc. 13th Czech-German Workshop Speech Processing. 2003, Prague
- Ding, H., O. Jokisch, and H. Kruschke: Duration and intonation in Mandarin Chinese synthesis with a neural network. In: ISCSLP 2002, p.265-268.
- Jokisch, O., H. Ding, and H. Kruschke: Towards a multilingual prosody model for text-to-speech. In: ICASSP 2002, p.421-424.
- Jokisch, O., H. Ding, H. Kruschke, and G. Strecha: Learning syllable duration and intonation of Mandarin Chinese. In: ICSLP 2002, p.1777-1780.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Prosodic Alternative Units in a Mandarin Chinese Speech Synthesizer. In: ISCSLP 2000, p.101-104.
- Helbig, J. and H. Ding: Prosodische Alternativeinheiten für ein silbenorientiertes chinesisches Sprachsynthesesystem. In: Tagungsband Fortschritte der Akustik 2000, p.346-347.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Modeling Duration and Tonal Coarticulation in a Mandarin Chinese Synthesis. In: ISCSLP 1998, p.243-248.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Untersuchungen zur Dauersteuerung für ein chinesisches Sprachsynthesesystem. In: Tagungsband Fortschritte der Akustik 1998, p.378-379.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Untersuchungen zur Tonkoartikulation für ein chinesisches Sprachsynthesesystem. In: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 1998, p.123-126.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Natural Tone Contours in a Mandarin Chinese Speech Synthesizer. In: ESCA Workshop on Intonation 1997, p.95-98.
- Helbig, J. and H. Ding: A Syllable-based Mandarin Chinese Speech Synthesis regarding Cross-syllable Coarticulation Effects. In: ICSP 1997, p.173-176.
- Helbig, J. and H. Ding: High Naturalness in A Syllable-Based Chinese TTS System. In: Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing 1997, p.17-18.
- Helbig, J. and H. Ding: Koartikulatorisch motiviertes Inventar für ein chinesisches Sprachsynthesesystem. In: Tagungsband Fortschritte der Akustik 1997, p.388-389.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Sprecher- und kontextbedingte Varianz des dritten Vokaltones in chinesischen Silben — Eine akustische Untersuchung. In: Tagungsband Fortschritte der Akustik 1996, p.514-515.
- Ding, H. and J. Helbig: Chinesische Sprachsynthese nach dem Prinzip der Verkettung von Zeitfunktionssegmenten. In: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 1995, p.105-112.
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- Officer of SProSIG (Special Interest Group on Speech Prosody)
- Vice Chairman of Chinese Phonetics Association under Chinese Language Society