

Pan Zhixin  Associate Professor

Department:College English Division

Tutor:Master Supervisor

Educational Background & Work Experience

【Educational Background】
1999.2—2003.4     Ph. D. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China
1993.9—1996.6      M.A. in English Language and Literature in Foreign Languages School, Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China
1989.8—1993.6      B.S. in English for Special Purposes  in Scientific English Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China

【Work Experience】

2003.5— •        Associate professor, College English Teaching and Research Department, Foreign Languages School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China
2010.8—2011.8      Visiting Scholar,Department of Applied Linguistics, UCLA ,funded by China Scholarship Council

1996.7—1999.1        Instructor,English Department, Foreign Languages School, Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China

2014.9      Excellent Teacher Third Prize (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 
2009.10    Member of State Excellent Teaching Group 
2009.9      Excellent Young Teacher Reserve Talent First Prize (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 
2009.9      Excellent Teacher Third Prize (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 
2009.6      Member of Shanghai Excellent Teaching Group 

Teaching and Research

    2017.9-               “College English 4” for non-English-major undergraduates
    2008.9-2017.6  “College English” for advanced-level non-English-major undergraduates 
    2007.2-2008.6  “College English” for non-English-major undergraduates
    2004.9-2007.1   “Graduate Comprehensive English” for non-English-major postgraduates

    Pan, Z. & S. Liu, 2015. The effect of question preview on multiple-choice question listening assessment. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, 2015(4):19-27.
    Pan, Z., 2014. Justifying CET test use using AUA Framework. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, 2014(4):1-9.
    Pan, Z., 2011. A comparison of the Internet-based and the paper-based CET-4 tests. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, 2011(2):1-10.
    Pan, Z., 2009. Components of communicative listening ability. In Contemporary Foreign Language and Literature Studies, 97-106. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
    Pan, Z., 2007. Communicative listening comprehension test task design. Foreign Language World, 2007(1) : 84-96.
    Pan, Z., 2006. College students’ English listening needs analysis. Foreign Language World, 2006(3): 24-31.
    Pan, Z., 2003. Developing a Communicative Listening Comprehension Test. Doctoral Dissertation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
    Pan, Z., 2002. The course of “Introduction to Linguistics” for college English majors: Survey and suggestions. Foreign Language World, 2002(1): 47-55.
    Pan, Z., 2001. The multiple choice format in language testing. Foreign Language World, 2001(4) : 67-74.
    Pan, Z. and M. Zhang, 2001. Fictive use of Chinese Kinship Terms: A sociolinguistic study. Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies, 2001(2) : 10-16.
    Pan, Z., 1997. Symbolism in the novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Nankai Journal (1997 Supplement): 24-28.

    Pan, Z., 2017. Assessing Listening for Chinese English Learners: Developing a Communicative Listening Comprehension Test Suite for CET. Abingdon: Routledge.
    Pan, Z., 2007. Developing a Communicative Listening Comprehension Test. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.

    2019-2021 “Investigating the Effect of Input and Output Mode on Listening Comprehension of Multimodal Academic Lectures”, a humanities and social sciences research project funded by the Ministry of Education 
    2018-2019 “A Comparative Study of English Proficiency Test of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and IELTS”, a teaching reform project funded by Foreign Languages School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    2009-2016 “Investigating Difficulty Level of Listening Comprehension Tasks in Task-based Language Teaching and Testing”,sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

    Zhao, et al., 2016. Advanced Level College English: Reading and Writing 2. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
    Zhao, et al., 2016. Advanced Level College English: Reading and Writing 1. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
    Wang, T., Zhao, X., Ding, Y., Ma, Y. and Pan, Z., 2007. New Perspective Graduate Series: Reading, Speaking and Writing 2. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
    Zhao, X., Ding, Y., Zhou, J. and Pan, Z., 2005. Graduate (ME) English for the 21st Century: Integrated Skill 2. Xi’an: Xi’an Jiao Tong University Press.

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