Li Xin Associate Professor
Department:Department of Translation
Email:[email protected]
Educational Background & Work Experience
LI Xin is an associate professor in Translation Studies and the Deputy Director of Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She holds a PhD in Translation Studies from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with research interests mainly in corpus-based translation/interpreting studies, SFL-informed discourse analysis and the sociocultural aspect of translation/interpreting. She has published 15 articles in Chinese or English academic journals, including ‘Diplomatic Interpreter’s Negotiation of Power and Solidarity through Engagement Choices: A Case Study of the Chinese Foreign Minister’s 2018 Press Conference’ (Discourse, Context & Media 2021), ‘Mediation through Modality Shifts in Chinese-English Government Press Conference’ (Babel 2018), and ‘A Corpus-based Study of Modal Verbs in Chinese-English Government Press Conference Interpretation’(Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education [外语电化教学] 2013).
She is author of The Reconstruction of Modality in Chinese-English Government Press Conference Interpreting (Springer 2018) and is the principal investigator of the project “The Reconstruction of Interpersonal Meanings in Chinese-English Government Press Conference Interpreting” sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China (2017-2020, completed),the project “Norms of diplomatic interpreting since the Reform and Opening Up” sponsored by Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (2021-2024) and the project “Data-driven study of Chinese diplomatic interpreting as discursive practice in the context of international communication” sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China (2022-2027).
Teaching and Research
Professional Service