

Zhang Li  Professor

Department:College English Division

Tutor:Doctoral Supervisor

Email:[email protected]

Educational Background & Work Experience

Dr  Li Zhang, Professor,  PhD supervisor                                                                                                               

School of Foreign Languages

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Shanghai, China  (200240)

Email:  [email protected]


Research Interests

Second language acquisition

Computer aided language teaching and learning

Academic writing and presentation


Educational Background

2001.09 2004.12

PhD in Applied Linguistics

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


MA in Applied Linguistics

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

1987.09 1991.08

Bachelor of Science (English for scientific and academic purposes)

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Professional Employment






Associate Professor

School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PhD supervisor

School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, MA supervisor

2005.03- 2007.12


School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

1998.06 – 1999.07


Department of English, Jiang Nan University


1991.09 – 1998.05

Assistant Instructor

Department of English, Jiang Nan University



Overseas experience




Visiting scholar

Visiting scholar

Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK

School of Education, University of California, Irvine, USA




Visiting scholar


The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, USA

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota, USA


Awards & Honors

2024     “Jia He” Excellent Teaching Award (Key Teaching Position) by Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2023     Nationwide Best Course Award by Chinese Ministry of Education

2023     Best Course Award by Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2023     Model Course for Core Values Education in Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2022          Model Course and Model Teaching Group for Core Values Education by Shanghai Education Commission

2022    Shanghai Jiao Tong University1st Prize Award of Teaching Achievements for Construction and Practice of the System of College English “Learning, Teaching and Testing” (Group member)

2022     University Model Course for International Students by Shanghai Education Commission

2022     2nd Prize in the Teaching Innovation Competition at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2020    1st Prize in the National Teaching Competition for “Teaching English with core values education”

2019     First Shanghai Jiao Tong University Excellent Professor Awards Program

2019     Shanghai Jiao Tong University Excellent Teaching Award

2019     National Women Cavillations Post Award (group)

2019    Best Research Award of the 1st Conference of Research on Teaching at Tertiary Level

2019     2nd Prize of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Teaching and Education Award (group)

2019    Shanghai March 8th “Red-banner Holding Collective” Award (group)

2018    Shanghai Jiao Tong University Excellent Core Course Award - Academic Communication in English: Writing and Presentation

2017     Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1st Prize Award of Teaching Achievements for The Design and Practice of the System for Developing Talented Undergraduate Students (group)

2017     Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2nd Prize Award of Teaching Achievements for Exploring the Academic English Teaching Model for Educating Creative, International and Cross-Disciplinary Talents

2016     Model Teacher Prize for “Shanghai Academic English Teaching Competition”

2016     2nd prize of “Shanghai Academic English Teaching Competition”

2015     Shanghai Jiao Tong University Education Development Centre “Excellent Research Project”

2015     3rd prize of Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Excellent Teacher” award.

2015     Article won the first prize of Shanghai Education Technology Association.

2010    Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Excellent Teacher” Prize

2009    Scholarship from the China Scholarship Council to be a visiting scholar to USA

2009    Member of the National Excellent Teachers Group

2000     Guanghua Scholarship from Shanghai Jiao Tong University

1994     1st prize winner of teaching competition in Jiang Nan University



Teaching and Research

Research Projects

2024.09-2027.12 “The Construction and Application of Adaptiove Writing Learning  Mode Baed on Generative AI”. National Social Science Fund (Key Project), Principal Investigator.

2024.4-2024.12 “The Construction and Application of Intelligent Composition Evaluation and Learning System Based on Generative AI Language Large Model”, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD24A 0030), Principal Investigator.

2023.10-2024.10 “ChatGPT-assisted Feedback for Second Language Writing”, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD23J 0045), Principal Investigator.

2023.7 -2024.12. “Exploring the Online and Offline Blended Learning Model for Academic Writing and Presentation Course”, China Scholarship Council. Principal Investigator.

2021.8-2024.7 “Exploring a Blended Learning Model for Academic English Writing Course Incorporating Values Education”, Chinese Ministry of Education Social Sciences Planning Project (21YJA740051), Principal Investigator.

2023.6-2024.6 “Academic Presentations: Listening, Viewing and Speaking”, Teaching Materials Development Project, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2022.6-2023.6 “College English”. Core Values Education Model Course Cultivation Program, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2022.6-2023.12 “Academic Writing and Presentation”, Teaching Materials Development Project, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2021.9-2023.5 “Design, Development and Evaluation of Teaching Materials for Academic English in a Blended Learning Context”, Shanghai International Studies University (2021SH0013), Principal Investigator.

2021.10-2022.7 “Design and Evaluation of Academic English Course for Zhiyuan College” Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD21J 0020), Principal Investigator.

2021.6-2021.12 “Jiao Tong Global Course Project —Academic Communications in English: Writing and Presentation”, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2020.3-2020.12 Incorporating Humanity Education in the Blended Teaching of Academic English”,Shanghai Jiao Tong University (JYJX20 0132), Principal Investigator.

2020.3-2020.12   The Design and Evaluation of Blended Teaching Model of Academic English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD20T 0047), Principal Investigator.

2019.6-2021.5   Developing the Course of Academic Communication in English: Writing and Presentation, Shanghai Education Committee.  Principal Investigator.

2019.9-2020.7   Exploring the Feasibility of MOOC-based Flipped Classroom in Academic English Teaching, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD19J 0051), Principal Investigator.

2018.11-2020.12   The Development of Cognition and Humanism Through Exploration-Based Course of Academic English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2019.3-2019.12 The Feasibility of Integrating Humanistic Education in the Teaching of Academic English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2018.10-2019.6   Development of Critical Thinking in Explorative Studies. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD18B 0050), Principal Investigator.

2018.6-2020.6   Development of the Excellent Core Course - Academic Writing and Presentation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2017.5-2019. 5   Construction and Practice of an Effective and Intelligent Level-based College English Teaching System, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Major participant.

2017.9-2018.6   An investigation of College English Teaching in the International Context, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD17D4 007), Principal Investigator.

2017.9-2018.1 The 32 PRP Project of Discipline-based Academic Writing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (T140PRP32005), Principal Investigator.

2016.10-2017.7 Exploring the Model and Effect of Formative Evaluation Based on E-Portfolio, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Education Development Fund (No. CTLD16A 002), Principal Investigator.

2015.11-2016.6 Formative Evaluation and Development of Academic Communications in English Course, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CTLD15B3 002), Principal Investigator.

2015.7-2017.6 Academic Communications in English—Writing and Presentation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Principal Investigator.

2015.6-2016.6 Core Course for Students of All Disciplines: The Academic Communications in English, Fund for the Establishment and Development of English Language Course, Shanghai Jiao Tong university, Principal Investigator.

2014.10-2015.5 Reliability and Validity of Automated Writing Evaluation System, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (B1 141037), Principal Investigator.

2014.9-2014.12 An investigation on Students’ Need in English Language Learning, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Participant.

2013.7-2016.12 An Automated Writing Evaluation System Supported by Corpus, Network and Cloud Technology: A Study on Reliability, Validity and Its Effect on Writing Instruction. National Social Science Foundation of China (13BYY081), Principal Investigator.

2013.6-2014.1 Computer-Aided Writing Practice Studies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (B1 130638), Principal Investigator.

2013.3-2013. 7 Academic Writing in Engineering Context, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (T140PRP23004), Principal Investigator.

2012.7-2014.12 Academic Writing Model with the Aid of Technology for Second Language Learners, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (B12005), Principal Investigator.

2012-2013 Research and Practice of Education System for the Teaching of English in Research-based Universities, Shanghai Key Project of Education Reform for University Undergraduates, Principal Investigator of sub project “The Study of System for the Teaching of Writing”, Funded by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

2010-2012 A Study of College English Writing Model in Online Environment, Chinese Foreign Language Education Fund (ZGWYJYJJ2010A26), Principal Investigator.

2009-2011 Online Communication and Chinese Students’ Foreign Language Development—Task-based Online Writing Model, China Scholarship Council, Principal Investigator.

2009-2011  A Corpus-based Study on English and Chinese Language Contact—Labov’s Concept of Language Change, Social Sciences Department of Chinese Ministry of Education (09yjc740052), Co- Investigator.

2007-2008  Linguistics and Literature—Theories and Practices, Chinese Ministry of Education (T226614001), Principal Investigator of sub-project: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Combined Taxonomy of Communication Strategies.

2005-2007 Corpus-based Investigation into Communication Strategies in Three Different Communicative Environments, Shanghai Jiao Tong University PhD Start-up Fund (A2353B), Principal Investigator.



Zhang L., Zhu Y., Huan C., Zhang X., & Qi X. (2024). Integrating values education in the teaching of foreign languages. Guangming Daily Press.

Zhang L. (2023). Exploring a blended learning model for academic English writing course incorporating values education. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (6): 191-201.

Zhang L., & Yu Y. (2023). Encouraging interaction to promote learner engagement in an online blended learning course based on ZOOM, CNMOOC and CANVAS in S. Goundar (ed.).  Massive Open Online Courses - Current Practice and Future Trends. IntechOpen.

Zhang L., & Yu Y. (2023). The design and application of three-dimensional teaching materials based on blended learning. Foreign Language and Translation (4): 62-69.

Zhang L., & Sheng Y.  (2022). Academic Writing and Presentation in English. Tsinghua University Press.

He Q., & Zhang L. (2022). On integrating moral cultivation into course design of college English: Taking integrated course of college English at the advance level as an example. Foreign Language and Translation (4): 65-72.

Zhang L. (2021). The practice of keeping academic honesty in the teaching of academic writing. Foreign Languages and Translation (3): 63-70.

Zhang L., & Chen Y. (2021). Exploring a blended learning model supported by MOOC/SPOC, ZOOM and Canvas in a project-based academic writing course. In M. Freddi, А. Atabekova, N. Radić & J. Schmied (Eds), The world universities response to COVID-19: Remote online language teaching. Research-publishing.net.

Zhang L., Ni M., Zeng S., & Zhu Y. (2020). Investigating college students' acceptance and readiness for online learning. Foreign Languages and Translation (3) :72-79.

Zhang L. (2020). Exploring the output-oriented approach in the teaching of academic writing and presentation. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (2). 135-146.

Zhang L. & Sheng Y. (2018). Exploring the reliability and validity of automated writing evaluation system and its effect on English writing instruction. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Zhang L., & Chen H. (2018). Exploring the needs of college English teaching and learning in the international context. Foreign Language and Translation, 25(4):74-81.

Zhang L. (2018). Design and evaluation of a moodle-assisted academic writing course: Based on Chinese students in an American university. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies,435 (3), 26-32.

Zhang L. (2017). A study on the evaluation, generalization and extrapolation of automated writing evaluation system. Foreign Language and Translation, 24 (3):64-71.

Chen D., & Zhang L. (2017). A study of formative assessment for academic English writing of Chinese EFL learners. TESOL International Journal, 12 (2):47-64

Zhang L. (2017). Exploring the model and effect of formative evaluation in teaching academic communications in English. Foreign Languages in China, 76 (2): 72-80。

Zhang L., & Sheng Y. (2017). Academic communications in English: Writing and presentation. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.

Chen B., & Zhang L. (2017). The Study of revision process based on the automated feedback of AWE system: Taking Pigai as an example. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 430(4):37-43.

Zhang L., Warschauer, M., & Sheng, Y. (2016). Review and prospect of automated essay scoring. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 426(6):50-57.

Zhang L., Beach, R., & Sheng Y. (2016). Understanding the use of online role-play for collaborative argument through teacher experiencing: A case study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education,44(3): 242-256.DOI: 10.1080/1359866X.2015.1081673.

Chen Y., & Zhang L. (2016). Moral senses in The picture of Dorian Gray: A corpus study of keywords and frequent phrases. Foreign Language and Translation, 23(2): 70-76.

Huang S., & Zhang L. (2015). The effects of AWE system on English writing ability of students with different language proficiency. Foreign Languages and Translation, 4: 70-76.

Zhang L. & Sheng Y. (2015).Feedback effect of JUKU automated writing evaluation system: A case study. Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education, 35(3): 38-44.

Zhang L. (2014). Review of handbook of automated essay evaluation: Current applications and new directions. Language Learning and Technology, 18 (2):65-69.

Zhang L., Sheng Y., & Li L. (2014). Evaluating an academic writing course based on an integrated model. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 11: 95-124.

Zhang L., & Gu K. (2013). The three-dimensional network-featured online role play activity and its influence on the development of writing and thinking ability. Foreign Languages and Translation, 20 (4): 62-68.

Zhang L., & Sheng Y. (2013). How technology assists college writing instruction--computer assisted writing in the University of Minnesota. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 387: 41-46.

Zhang L., & Sheng Y. (2011. The effect of peer review training for online writing. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 363: 32-36.

Zhang L., & Zeng X. (2010). An investigation of undergraduate students’ requirement of English courses. In Contemporary Foreign Language and Literature Studies. He Weiwen (Ed.). Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities Press, Shanghai.

Zhang L., & Sheng Y. (2009). The influence of presenting new words in semantically-related and semantically-unrelated sets on the second language vocabulary acquisition. Foreign Languages Teaching Theory and Practice, 4:18-23.

Zhang L., Wang T. & Sheng Y. (2009). How do mainland Chinese learners of English use compensatory strategies to aid communication: A qualitative analysis in three communicative environments. Asia TEFL, 6:85-116.

Zhang L. (2008). The Study and Applications of Communication Strategies. Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities Press, Shanghai.

Hu K., Guo H., & Zhang L. (2007). C-E & E-C Interpretation: A Contrastive Approach.  Dalian: Dalian University of Technology Press.

Zhang L., & Wang T. (2005). A study on reliability and validity of communication strategy questionnaire. Foreign Languages Research, 89:47-50.

Zhang L. (2004). An empirical study of Chinese adult learners’ spoken English ability and their employment of communication strategies. In Mei Deming(ed). Theories and Practices of English Language Teaching in the New Century. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.

Zhang L. (2002). Studies on the theory and practice of communication strategies. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Social Science).

Zhang L. (2002). Review on “Oral English Testing and Teaching” by Wen Qiufang. Teaching English in China.

Sheng Y., & Zhang L. (2001). Temporary fossilization in learning English and cultivation of learners’ sense of achievement. College English Teaching and Research.

Zhang L., & Sheng Y. (2001). From the comparison of top-down and bottom-up strategies to the application of interactive strategy. Teaching English in China.



Zhang L., & Yu Y. (2023, Sep.). Learner engagement via interaction in a blended learning context. The Forum on Foreign Language Education. Beijing, China.

Zhang L. (2022, July). Incorporating project-based blended learning model in academic English: Curriculum design and learning outcome. The 2022 Global English Education China Assembly. Hang Zhou, China.

Zhang L. (2021, May). Blended learning for academic English against the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the CEAPA-BALEAP International Conference, Suzhou, China.

Zhang L. (2019, Nov). Exploring the feasibility of applying MOOC-based flipped classroom pedagogy to academic writing and presentation. The 3rd Annual Conference of Asia ESP & 8th Chinese National Symposium on ESP, Chongqing, China.

Zhang L. (2019, Oct). How the use of COCA and Phrasebank influences academic English writing: A qualitative study. The 1st International Conference on Linguistic Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, Dalian, China.

Zhang L. (2019, Jul).  Exploring the needs of college English teaching and learning in the international context. The 1st Conference of Research on Teaching at Tertiary Level. Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2019, May).  How Teaching goals are achieved and evaluated in research-project based explorative course of academic writing and presentation.  The 5th China EAP Association Annual Conference & the 4th International Symposium on EAP in Asia, Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2018, Nov). Academic writing and presentation. The 1st China Summit Forum of Academic English, Beijing, China.

Zhang L. (2018, Oct). Critical thinking and human development in academic writing: A study based on output hypothesis. International Conference on Teaching and Researching EFL Writing, Nanjing, China.

Zhang L. (2018, Jun). Exploring the revision process based on feedback from automated writing evaluation system. EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Zhang L. (2018, Mar). Evaluation and development of academic writing course based on action research. The 2nd Forum of Research in College English Teaching, Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2018, Mar). Design and evaluation of academic English writing course: An action research. The 2nd Forum of Action Research in College English Teaching and Learning, Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. & Chen D. (2017). Formative feedback: A dynamic process to help EFL learners improve their academic writing ability. Proceedings of PacSLRF, Japan.

Zhang L. (2017, Jul.). Formative evaluation based on e-portfolio. International Conference on Second Language Acquisition. Theory & Practice: Imperatives in Contemporary Second Language Acquisition Research. Dalian, China.

Zhang L. (2017, May). Technology-enhanced formative evaluation: The application of e-portfolio in academic writing course. The 3rd China EAP Association Annual Conference & the 2nd International Symposium on EAP in Asia (CEAPA 2017). Wuhan, China.

Zhang L. (2017.Integration of teaching and research: A case study. Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Highline First Forum of College English Teaching and Learning. May, 2017, Shanghai.

Zhang L. (2016, Dec). Exploring the model and effect of formative evaluation in teaching academic communications in English. The 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. Hong Kong, China.

Zhang L. (2016, Nov). A Study on the evaluation, generalization and extrapolation of Pigai automated writing evaluation system. The 2nd International Symposium on Language Testing and Evaluation, Hangzhou.

Zhang L. (2016. Teacher and student perceptions of automated writing evaluation: A large scale investigation. Paper presented at 2016 International Symposium on CALL. Jul. 2016, Qingdao, China.

Zhang L. (2016, Jul).  The model of formative feedback for academic communication course: Establishment and effect. Paper presented at the First Shanghai Jiao Tong University Annual Conference of Studies on Teaching and Learning, Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2015, Nov). Automated essay evaluation: Past, present and future. Paper presented at TESOL international convention of TESOL Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Zhang L. (2014, Sep).  Automated essay evaluation: Past, present and future. 8th International Free Linguistics Conference, Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2014, Jun). Curriculum design of the course: Academic communications in English. International Conference and Workshops on Professional Communication in the Intercultural World: Theory and Practice, Beijing, China.  

Zhang L. (2014, Oct).  A Study on the reliability of JUKU automated writing evaluation system. The seventh International Conference on English Language Teaching in China, Nanjing, China.

Zhang L. (2014, Oct)A formative evaluation of an integrated Academic Writing Course with technology as an aid. International Symposium on Second Language Acquisition in China, Hangzhou, China.

Zhang L. (2013, Jan). Study on EAP course for EFL learners in the University of Minnesota. National Conference on College English EAP Instruction. Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2012, Nov). Teaching writing with the aid of technology and its applications in ESL academic writing course.  First PhD Forum on Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.

Zhang L. (2012, Oct). Using online role-play for collaborative argument: A teacher education practice. The 5th International Symposium on SLA in China, Wuhan, China.

Zhang L., & Sheng Y. (2010, Oct). The effect of peer review training for online writing. The 4th International Symposium on SLA in China, Suzhou, China.

Zhang L. (2009, Mar). The comparison of two ways of presenting new words for vocabulary acquisition. International Conference for Second Language Acquisition and Language Transfer, Shanghai.

Zhang L. (2006).  Understanding and translation of “Ke Qi” on the basis of Nida’s translation theory. International conference of translation and cross-field research.

Zhang L. (2006).  The influence of on-line chatting on the development of writing ability. The 4th session of the international conference of teaching and research in English writing.

Zhang L. (2005).  An exploration of the comprehensive taxonomy of communication strategies. The 2nd International Symposium on SLA in China.

Professional Service

Constant Member of Second Language Processing Committee

Member of Shanghai Foreign Languages Committee

Member of TESOL Association

Reviewer of Teaching and Teacher Education

Reviewer of Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education

Reviewer of TESOL International Journal

Reviewer of Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education

Reviewer of Journal of Second Language Studies

Reviewer of International Journal of TESOL Studies

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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