

Contemporary Foreign Language Studies

Contemporary Foreign Language Studies is a bimonthly academic journal managed by the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China. It is edited and published by the editorial office of Contemporary Foreign Language Studies and sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, with Professor Yang as its editor-in-chef. The journal mainly focuses on the study of the theory and practice of second language acquisition (such as their behavioral and cognitive processes and the social and cultural approaches), bilingualism, theory and practice of foreign language education, language testing, corpus linguistics, language policy and planning. It also attaches importance to the studies on theory and practice of Chinese as a second language. The journal is dedicated to the publication of interdisciplinary research works, such as linguistics and applied linguistics, psychology and cognitive science, combined with educational and teaching theories. This journal welcomes original research with a solid theoretical foundation and reliable empirical data, putting emphasis on the speculative research and literature review, ranging from general to specific perspectives. In addition, original and practical works on the theory and practice of translation, especially on translation technologies, and literary manuscripts are also welcome by the journal.


The aim of Contemporary Foreign Language Studies is to develop China’s foreign language discipline. It advocates for scientific and rational thinking, internationalization, freedom and independence, as well as open access to all in academic research. In the future, in accordance with the journal’s mission statement, the editorial office of Contemporary Foreign Language Studies is looking forward to holding more national academic activities on foreign languages to promote exchanges of ideas between scholars, who together can facilitate the foundation and development of our foreign language discipline in the new era.


Editor-in-chef: Yang Feng

Associate editors: He Weiwen, Wu Shiyu

Director of the editorial office: Guan Xinchao

Editors: Yang Li, Deng Menghan

Website: //www.ddwyyj.com/CN/volumn/current.shtml

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

Technical support: Weicheng Interconnection