International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture
Audiovisual translation, digital culture and media technology have acquired and continue to enjoy great visibility in the field of translation studies and interdisciplinary studies. In the past three years, we have witnessed columns for audiovisual translation and digital media translation set up by well-established international journals of translation studies such as The Translator, Target, Perspectives and Across Languages and Cultures, monographs,proceedings and handbooks of research published by the Routledge, John Benjamins, Bloombury, Springer and other international publishers, and research concerning digital and media culture launched by established university presses among which the University of Edinburgh, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Johns Hopkins University are the most active. What is more noteworthy is that, in A New Literary History of Modern China published by Harvard University Press in 2017, Professor Wang Dewei has integrated audiovisual media, web fiction and internet media into the new historical narrative of Chinese literature through the deconstruction and reconstruction of the concept of “literature” in the interlaced narrative of time and space. The once marginalized issues of audiovisual translation, new media research, and web culture have now gained increasing visibility in the field of translation studies, culture studies, and even literature studies, which would have profound impact on the methodology and theoretical construction of interdisciplinary research.
This research school will foster an open and wide-ranging take on media translation and digital culture, and the significance of both for and beyond translation studies; encourage cross-fertilization between the disciplinary sub-fields; and address the new theoretical and methodological tools that translation scholars need in order to understand the strategic and catalyzing role played by translation in relation to a number of issues, including the following:
Reconfiguring the ecology of networked media – from mainstream news organizations to citizen journalism outlets; from printed written articles to multimodal assemblages; from professional reportage to amateur coverage of conflicts and natural disasters;
(Re)producing shifting public discourses about cosmopolitanism, gender, nation, expertise, fandom or activism – among other core issues;
Developing more collaborative, participatory and deliberative processes of community formation, both online and on the ground;
Enabling disciplinary discourses and developments in the fields of multimodality, media sociology, cultural studies, journalism, globalization studies and critical theories of communication technology.
The International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture is aimed at an international audience and will primarily address the needs of doctoral and early career researchers in translation and interpreting studies.
Detailed information of the program is provided on the following website: //
Key Dates:
Media School: 1-6 July 2019
Cut off Date for Refunds: 1 June 2019
Peng Yanghui
Tel: 86-13023256278 E-mail:[email protected]
Early registration (before 1 March 2019) |
Standard rate: |
¥5,700 |
Student rate: |
¥5,200 |
Late registration (after 1 March 2019) |
Standard rate: |
¥6,200 |
Student rate: |
¥5,700 |
For more registration information, please visit the website:
Core staff:
Professor Mona Baker
Professor Emerita of Translation Studies at the University of Manchester, UK.
Director of the Baker Center for Translation and Intercultural Studies
Professor Luis Pérez-González
Professor of Translation Studies and Co-director of the Center for Translation and Intercultural Studies at the University of Manchester, UK
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Baker Center for Translation and Intercultural Studies
Dr Kyung-Hye Kim
Member of the Baker Center for Translation and Intercultural Studies
Dr Jonathan Evans
Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr Henry Jones
Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Manchester’s Center for Translation and Intercultural Studies