Qiu Kuanyong Lecturer
Department:German Department
Email:[email protected]
Educational Background & Work Experience
Dr. Kuanyong Qiu is now Lecturer at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research areas cover Artificial Intelligence in Discourse, Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing in Education.
2020.04-present: Lecturer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2023.03-2024.2 : Postdoc at University of Zurich, Switzerland
2014.09-2019.06: University of Mannheim, Germany, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in German Linguistics, Dissertation awarded Magna cum Laude.
2015: University of Mannheim, Germany. Research Assistant, involved in the "Kultur- und Sprachentwicklung (project led by Prof. Henn-Memmesheimer.)
2016-2018: Adult Education Instructor for Chinese as a Foreign Language at Mannheimer Abendakademie , Germany.
ORCID: //orcid.org/0000-0002-5036-3956
2014.09-2018.09: Scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for Phd Candicate
2015-2016: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Stibet Scholarship
2015: Deutscher Akademiescher Austauschdienst (DAAD) Conference Scholarship
2012: Xu Ge Hui Scholarship
2006-2010: University first-class Scholarship (three times), National Inspirational Scholarship (twice), Scholarship for cultural event (twice)
2005: Scholarship of Pearl. S. Buck International (USA), Cultural exchange program in the United States
2021: second Prize in the Finals of the 5th Annual Teaching Competition for Young Teachers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2022: second Prize in the 3rd Annual Teaching Innovation Competition for Teachers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2023: Excellent Paper titled "natural language processing in foreign language education" (second prize) awarded by Shanghai Educational Technology Association
Research Interests: Large Language Models, Artificial Intelligence, Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing in Education.
Certificate for Generative AI with Large Language Models
Certificate for Machine Learning
Certificate for Goethe-Zertifikat C2: GDS
Fundings and leading (supervising) research projects:
1. The Construction and Application of a Chinese Specialized German Audio Reading Corpus in the Perspective of Ethical Education. (2021-01 to 2023-12)
Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (Shanghai, CN)
Role:Project leader
2.Special Fund for Ethical Education in General German Reading Course.(2021-01 to 2021-12)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai)
GRANT_NUMBER: CTLD215SIP0021 (The project has been completed, and the evaluation upon completion is "good.")
Role:Project leader
3. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation Project (a competitive program to fund young researcher)(2021-01 to 2023-12)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai)
Role:Project leader
4.The construction of the "New York Times" corpus in the United States and the discourse analysis of "novel coronavirus" over time.(2020-09 to 2022-11)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai)
Role: Project supervisor
(This is a Shanghai Jiao Tong University undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship project. I, as a supervisor, guided four students in collectively completing a research project titled "Construction of the 'New York Times' Corpus in the United States and Longitudinal Discourse Analysis of 'Novel Coronavirus,'" as well as assisting in writing research papers and participating in defense presentations.)
Participated Projects:
01/2021-present: MOOC online course: interculture communication (Chinese and German). I participated in an online blended course (MOOC) led by Prof. Xue Yuan, recorded online course content, which included 'Energy Comparison between China and Germany,' 'Marriage and Love in China and Germany,' "Machine translation and interculturality", "Linguistic and interculturality" and 'Goethe in Germany and Confucius in China.
02/2015-02/2016: Participation in projects on "Language and Cultural Development," involving scientific research and analysis using corpus linguistic methods (Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Beate Henn-Memmesheimer)
12/2013-04/2014 Participation in the German News Corpus Project at BFSU (Beijing Foreign Studies University) CQPweb Research Platform for the Multilingual Corpus (Project Leader: Prof. Dr. XU Jiajin). The German News Corpus created by me has been included in the BFSU library.
04/2012-07/2012: Participation in the Corpus Project "The German-Chinese Parallel Corpus," a project between Beijing Foreign Studies University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Project Leader: Prof. Dr. QIAN Minru).
09/2011-06/2012: Participation in the Corpus Project "The BFSU Learner Corpus of German as a Foreign Language," one of China's 211 projects (Project Leader: Prof. Dr. QIAN Minru).
Member of the Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Shanghai
2015-01-01 to 2019-12-31
Teaching and Research
Kuanyong Qiu, Timo Hackel, Noah Bubenhofer (2024). Decoding AI Discourse: Analyzing German and Chinese Media (2018-2023) Using Machine Learning Methods. //dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4825371 (preprint) (unter review)
peer-reviewed Journal-article. Qiu, Kuanyong (2023). 基于有声语料库的德语阅读课程思政教学研究 (Research on ethical Education in German Reading Courses Based on an Audio Corpus), 教学学术 (Journal: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning). 2023 (1):55-65. ISBN: 9787313287519. Available online via SSRN: //papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4828300
peer-reviewed Journal-article. Qiu, Kuanyong. (2023). 自然语言处理技术在外语课程思政中的运用 (The Application of Natural Language Processing Techniques in Ethical Education of Foreign Language Teaching), 语言教育 (Journal: Language Education). Available online via SSRN: //papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4827373
peer-reviewed Journal-article. Qiu, Kuanyong. (2023). 基于语料库的中德媒体中和谐的历史话语分析. (Corpusbased Historical Discourse Analysis of Harmony in Sino-German Media) 话语研究论丛(Discourse Studies Forum) 88-114. ISBN: 978-7-5636-8076-4. Available online via SSRN: //papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4826513
Journal-article. Nickel, B., Qiu, Kuanyong; Vidal-Robert, J. (2023) Comparing COVID-19 news coverage on social media: visual health literacy in Germany and China. [J] Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. (unter review)
peer-reviewed paper in book. Qiu, Kuanyong. (2023): 德国能源互联网评述(Review of Germany's Energy Internet). 《能源互联网与社会发展》(Energy Internet and Social Development), In: Yan S.F.(eds):上海交通大学出版社(Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press). ISBN: 9787313283559
peer-reviewed paper in book. Qiu, Kuanyong; Xu, Jiahua. (2023). 人工智能背景下诺德功能翻译理论评述(A Review of Nord's Functional Translation Theory in the Context of Artificial Intelligence). In: Xue, Y.(eds): 《德国当代文艺理论考辨》(A Critical Examination of Contemporary German Literary Theory). 上海交通大学出版社 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press). ISBN 978-7-313-29241-4.
peer-reviewed conference paper. Qiu, Kuanyong; Henn-Memmesheimer, Beate. (2020). „Nachhaltigkeit auf Websites deutscher und chinesischer Banken - Eine kulturvergleichende Analyse“ [A]. In: Gansel, C. & Luttermann, K., (eds.): Nachhaltigkeit - Konzept, Kommunikation, Textsorten. Berlin: LIT. ISBN: 978-3-643-14688-5
peer-reviewed conference paper. Henn-Memmesheimer, Beate;Bahlo, Christine; Lubben, Andrew; Qiu, Kuanyong (2020). Nachhaltigkeit - Modell einer Etablierung: quantitativ und semantisch. In: Gansel, C. & Luttermann, K., (eds.): Nachhaltigkeit - Konzept, Kommunikation, Textsorten. Berlin: LIT. ISBN: 978-3-643-14688-5. //madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de/55124/
monograph. Qiu, Kuanyong (2020). Diskursive Konstruktion von Terrorismus in deutschen und chinesischen Medien. Peter Lang. DOI: 10.3726/b16136
peer-reviewed conference paper. Qiu, Kuanyong, Henn-Memmesheimer, B., Eggers, E. (2018): Diskurs kontrastiv: Korpuslinguistische Analyse zum Diskursobjekt Flüchtlingskrise in Deutschland und in China.In: Kämper, H., Gredel E., Mell R., & Polajnar, J. (Hg.): Diskurs – kontrastiv.Diskurslinguistik als Methode zur Erfassung sprachübergreifender und transnationaler Diskursrealitäten. Bremen, s. 262-283. ISBN: 9783944312590
conference paper. Qiu, Kuanyong; Henn-Memmesheimer, B. (2016): „Diskursive Konstruktion von Finanz-und Wirtschaftskrise. Eine kontrastive Analyse der Wissenschafts- und Alltagssprache“. In: Zhu, J.H., Zhao, J., & Szurawitzki, M. (Hg.) (2016): Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Akten des XIII. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Shanghai, 23.-30.8. 2015. Band 2. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang. S. 79-86. ISBN: 9783631668641
conference paper. Qiu, Kuanyong. & Henn-Memmesheimer, Beate. (2016): „Kollokationen von „essen“ im Deutschen, „吃(Chi)“ im Chinesischen und „eat“ im Englischen. Eine Analyse semantischer Differenzen und damit verbundener kultureller Konnotationen.“ In: Zhu, J.H., Zhao, J., & Szurawitzki, M. (Hg.) (2016): Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Akten des XIII. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Shanghai, 23. -30.8. 2015. Band 7. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang. S. 87 -94. DOI:10.3726/b12001.
peer-reviewed paper in book. Henn-Memmesheimer, Beate; Eggers, Ernst; Hoch Barbara; Qiu, Kuanyong (2015): „Wahrnehmung und Leugnung von Historizität in Diskursen über romantisch im Kontext von Liebe“, In: Kämper, Heidrun / Schmidt-Brücken, Daniel / Warnke, Ingo (Hg.) (2015): Textuelle Historizität. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das diskursive Apriori. Berlin u.a. (Diskursmuster - Discours patterns), S.11-44.
Translation Projects: (Commissioned by the former mayor of Mannheim Dr. Nobert Egger, translating his work)
- Book translation. Qiu, K. (2021): Ein Tor zur Welt. Regionalkultur. ISBN-10 : 3955052265
- (The Chinese edition of this book features a preface written by former Foreign Minister of China, Mr. Li Zhaoxing)
- Book translation. Qiu, K. (2020): Perle am Yangtse. Zhenjiangs Aufstieg aus persönlicher Sicht. //www.163.com/dy/article/EPCD07G40518UE0R.html
- (The German edition of this book features a preface written by former Chinese Ambassador to Germany, Mei Zhaorong)