Huang Aijun Tenure-Track Associate Professor
Department:English Department
Email:[email protected]
Educational Background & Work Experience
Work Experience
2020.7-Present Full time, Associate Professor, Department of English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2013-2020 Full time, Associate Professor, Department of English, Soochow University, Suzhou, PRC
2018-2019 Visiting scholar, Utrecht University,the Netherlands
2008-2013 Part time, Research Assistant, ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
2007-2008 Full time, Research Assistant, Language Acquisition Lab, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2003-2005 Full time, Research assistant, Institute of Cognitive Science, School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University, Changsha, PRC
Education Background
2009-2013 PhD in Cognitive Science (linguistics), Macquarie University, Australia
2005-2009 MPhil in Linguistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2000-2003 MA in Linguistics, Hunan University, PRC
1995-1998 BA in English Literature and Linguistics, Changsha Railway University, PRC
Teaching and Research
Research Interests
First language Acquisition, Semantics, Pragmatics, Chinese linguistics , Second language acquisition
Refereed journal articles
Aijun Huang, Jingjing Li, Luisa Meroni (2022). Grammatical and contextual factors in the interpretation and acquisitioni of superordinate collectives in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistics. 60(4), 933-972.
Aijun Huang, Xiaomei Zhang, Stephen Crain (accepted). The interpretation of animate nouns in chil and adult Mandarin:from the Universal Grinder to syntactic structure. Linguistcs.
Aijun Huang, Francesco-Alessio Ursini & Luisa Meroni (2021). Portioning-out and individuation in Mandarin non-interrogative wh-pronominal phrases: Experimental evidence from child Mandarin. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences (SSCI/A&HCI).
Ursini, Francesco-Alessio & Aijun Huang (2021). The anaphoric properties of spatial nouns and prepositions in Mandarin: A formal account. Lingua. (SSCI Corresponding Author)
Aijun, Huang (2019). Countability in Mandarin Chinese: Bridging theory and experiments. Language and Semiotic Studies, 5(3),78-110.
Huang, Aijun (2015). Linguistic form and function: expression of countability in Chinese wh-phrases. Language and Semiotic Studies, 1(4), 34-51.
Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2014). Polarity sensitive items in child Mandarin. Language Acquisition 21,156–181.
Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2014). Acquisition of the numerical wh-pronoun ji ‘how many’ in Mandarin Chinese. Lingua 145, 122-140.
Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2014). Acquisition of polarity sensitive item renhe ‘any’ in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Child Language 41, 861-889.
Huang, Aijun (2014). Acquisition of polarity-sensitive items in Mandarin Chinese. Language Acquisition, 21:212-214.
Huang, Aijun (2013). Insignificance is significant: interpretation of the wh-pronoun shenme ‘what’ in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics. 14(1), 1-45.
Mineharu Nakayama, Yi-ching Su, and Aijun Huang (2017.) Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In Honor of Stephen Crain, John Benjamins Publishing Company (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders series)
Refereed book chapters
Huang, Aijun & Francesco-Alessio Ursini (2017). The acquisition of the wh-pronoun duo-shao in child Mandarin. In Mineharu Nakayama, Yi-ching Su, and Aijun Huang (eds.) Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In Honor of Stephen Crain, John Benjamins Publishing Company (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders series). 170-198.
Ursini, Francesco-Alessio & Aijun Huang (2019). Sense. In J. D'Amico & M.S. Ball. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2nd volume. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications .
Ursini, Francesco-Alessio & Aijun Huang (2019). Reference. In J. D'Amico & M.S. Ball. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2nd volume. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications.
Ursini, Francesco-Alessio & Aijun Huang (2019). Deixis. In J. D'Amico & M.S. Ball. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2nd volume. Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Publications.
Refereed conference proceedings
Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain (2013). The numerical wh-pronoun ji in child Mandarin. In Y. Otsu (ed.) The Proceedings of the Fourteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 83-98. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.
Huang, Aijun & Thomas Hun-tak Lee (2009). Quantification and Individuation in the Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers. In Y. Otsu (ed.) The Proceedings of the Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 117-141. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.
Research grants (as Principal Investigator)
2018 Semantic properties of Mandarin classifier in Child Mandarin. National Social Science Foundation.
2015 Linguistic properties of Chinese wh-pronouns and child language research. Ministry of
Education Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund.
2015 Theoretical construction of Chinese wh-pronoun system and child language research. China
Science Foundation Special Research Fund
2014 Investigation on the first language acquisition of the semantic and pragmatic properties of Chinese wh-pronouns. Department of Education Jiangsu Province Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund
2014 The Chinese wh-pronoun system research from the perspective of child language development. China Science Foundation Research Fund.
Professional Service
Ad Hoc reviewer of journal papers
Lingua, Linguistics, Glossa, First Language, Frontiers in Psychology, Modern Linguistics (当代语言学)